Top 25 essential JavaScript OOP questions along with syntax examples

1. What is OOP in JavaScript?

  • Answer: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in JavaScript uses objects and classes to structure code.
   class Animal {
       speak() {
           console.log("Animal speaks!");

   const dog = new Animal();

2. What is a Class in JavaScript?

  • Answer: A class is a blueprint for creating objects with shared properties and methods.
   class Car {
       constructor(make, model) {
           this.make = make;
           this.model = model;

3. What is an Object in JavaScript?

  • Answer: An object is an instance of a class.
   const myCar = new Car('Toyota', 'Corolla');

4. What is a Constructor in JavaScript?

  • Answer: A constructor is a special method for initializing objects created by a class.
   class User {
       constructor(name) {
  = name;

   const user = new User("John");

5. What is Inheritance in JavaScript?

  • Answer: Inheritance allows a class to inherit properties and methods from another class.
   class Vehicle {
       start() {
           console.log("Starting engine...");

   class Car extends Vehicle {}
   const car = new Car();

6. What is Method Overriding in JavaScript?

  • Answer: A child class can override a method from the parent class.
   class Animal {
       speak() {
           console.log("Animal speaks");

   class Dog extends Animal {
       speak() {
           console.log("Dog barks");

   const dog = new Dog();

7. What is super in JavaScript?

  • Answer: super is used to call the constructor of the parent class.
   class Animal {
       constructor(name) {
  = name;

   class Dog extends Animal {
       constructor(name) {

8. What is this in JavaScript?

  • Answer: this refers to the current object instance.
   class Person {
       constructor(name) {
  = name;

9. What is a Static Method in JavaScript?

  • Answer: Static methods belong to the class, not instances.
   class Calculator {
       static add(a, b) {
           return a + b;

   console.log(Calculator.add(2, 3));

10. What is Encapsulation?

  • Answer: Encapsulation restricts access to certain data and methods within an object.
   class BankAccount {
       #balance = 0; // private field

       deposit(amount) {
           this.#balance += amount;

11. What is Polymorphism?

  • Answer: Polymorphism allows objects to be treated as instances of their parent class.
   class Animal {
       speak() {
           console.log("Animal sound");

   class Dog extends Animal {
       speak() {

12. What are Getters and Setters in JavaScript?

  • Answer: Getters and Setters control access to object properties.
   class User {
       constructor(name) {
           this._name = name;

       get name() {
           return this._name;

       set name(name) {
           this._name = name;

13. What is Prototypal Inheritance?

  • Answer: JavaScript objects inherit properties from a prototype.
   function Person(name) { = name;

   Person.prototype.greet = function() {
       console.log(`Hello, ${}`);

14. What is Method Chaining?

  • Answer: Method chaining allows multiple methods to be called in sequence on the same object.
   class Calculator {
       constructor(value = 0) {
           this.value = value;

       add(n) {
           this.value += n;
           return this;

       subtract(n) {
           this.value -= n;
           return this;

   const calc = new Calculator();

15. What is Closures in JavaScript?

  • Answer: A closure is a function that retains access to its outer scope.
   function counter() {
       let count = 0;
       return function() {
           return count;

16. What is a Module Pattern in JavaScript?

  • Answer: The Module Pattern encapsulates related variables and functions.
   const Module = (function() {
       let privateVar = "I am private";
       return {
           publicMethod: function() {

17. What is instanceof in JavaScript?

  • Answer: Checks if an object is an instance of a specific class.
   console.log(dog instanceof Dog); // true

18. What is the Factory Pattern?

  • Answer: The Factory Pattern creates objects based on criteria without exposing the instantiation logic.
   function createPerson(name, age) {
       return {
           greet() {
               console.log(`Hi, I'm ${name}`);

19. What is the bind method?

  • Answer: bind sets the this context for a function.
   const person = {
       name: 'John',
       greet() {
           console.log(`Hello, ${}`);

   const greet = person.greet.bind(person);

20. What are Arrow Functions and this?

  • Answer: Arrow functions do not have their own this.
   const obj = {
       name: 'Arrow Example',
       showName: () => console.log( // 'this' is not bound to 'obj'

21. What is call in JavaScript?

  • Answer: call invokes a function with a specified this context.
   function introduce() {
       console.log(`Hi, I'm ${}`);

   const person = { name: 'Alice' };;

22. What is apply in JavaScript?

  • Answer: apply is similar to call but takes an array of arguments.
   introduce.apply(person, ['Hello']);

23. How does Prototypal Inheritance work?

  • Answer: JavaScript uses prototypes for inheritance between objects.
   function Animal(name) { = name;

   Animal.prototype.speak = function() {
       console.log( + ' makes a noise.');

   const dog = new Animal('Dog');

24. What is a Mixin?

  • Answer: A mixin adds properties to an object without inheritance.
   const canEat = {
       eat() {

   const person = Object.assign({}, canEat);

25. What are Symbols in JavaScript?

  • Answer: Symbols are unique and immutable identifiers.
   const sym = Symbol('unique');
   const obj = { [sym]: 'hidden data' };

These questions cover essential JavaScript OOP concepts with explanations and examples to reinforce understanding.

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